Friars Aylesbury Posters
- Marillion live at Friars Aylesbury! May 29 1981. This was Marillion's first show at the Friars after successful local shows at The Britannia and Stoke Manderville Hospital. They were bottom of the bill but not for long.
2. March 18 1983 with support from Van der Graaf Generator's lead singer Peter Hammill
3. February 20 1981 Marillion No Nonsense and Cruise.
4. June 19 1982 Marillion Solstice and Cruise
5. December 29 1983. with support from The Young Ones Nigel Planer aka Neil

Friars Hamdbills/Flyers
- Handbill for Friars (blue) May 29 1981
2. Handbill for Friars (yellow) August 1 1981
3. Handbill for Friars (pale green) October 31 1981
4. Handbill for Friars ( yellow) February 20 1982
5. Handbill for Friars alternate billing (white) June 19 1982
6. Handbill for Friars ( yellow) February 20 1982